Peter Bretan, MD elected CUA President
At the member’s annual business meeting in Vancouver BC this past August 6, the CUA elected Dr. Bretan as president for 2017-2019.

Photo taken at WSAUA Meeting 2015 at Indian Wells, CA
As president, I pledge to you that advocating for the practice of urology and seeking to politically strengthen our voice in a variety of significant ways will be a central tenet of my term.
Bio: Peter N. Bretan, Jr., MD, FACS
Is a practicing Renal Transplant Surgeon and Urologist, with special training in laparoscopic surgery. He covers rural northern California as a solo practitioner, via being on the active medical staff of 9 hospitals via robotic telemedicine. He is serving his 4th term as President of the Marin Medical Society and has been a California Medical Association (CMA) delegate in 2004; and AMA alternate delegate since 2003, having been an active member since a medical student in 1976. He is the past Chair of the CMA’s Presidents Forum and remains on their Executive Committee as an Elected Member at Large. He has been on the Board of CalPAC since 2006. In 2012 he began his 1st term as CMA Trustee.
He is the Founder and the lead transplant surgeon & urologist for Life Plant International (Previously Rota Plant), a charitable organization which promotes disaster preparedness, organ donation and early disease screening in the USA as well as aboard. Life Plant International has saved many lives (>22) in the Philippines by recurring medical missions which include performing and teaching kidney transplants and laparoscopic kidney removals since 2002. See
Dr Bretan has published over 200 scientific articles covering both clinical and original research subjects, which have been the basis of multiple academic awards. He speaks internationally as a recognized Expert in Kidney Transplantation, as well as Prostate and Bladder Diseases; and serves as a reviewer for 6 clinical and scientific journals in this capacity. For the past 30 years he has reviewed/screened all submitted abstracts for the transplant sessions at the Annual American Urological Association meetings and Moderates these sessions regularly.
His academic career spans 31 years and is a past UCSF Clinical Associate Professor in Surgery and Urology, as well as Director of Cleveland Clinic and UCLA’s Renal Transplant Programs. He continues to instruct premed and medical students from UC Berkeley (recognized with the 2011 Excellence in Service Award by the Cal Alumni Association) and Touro Medical School as current Adjunct Clinical Professor of Urology.
He was a Captain in the USPHS Reserves, having served for the 26 years. In 2005 he was deployed to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, helping in reconstituting healthcare there
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