CUA 4 year PSA Leg effort results in AB 1520

PSA screening legislation is moving forward

In 2017 CUA launched an effort to seek statewide legislation to preserve coverage for prostate cancer screening with no cost sharing. It has been a long arduous journey but we have now made significant progress with the drafting of our bill, AB1520 being introduced by Assemblymember Marc Levine (with Senator Ben Allen as a principal co-author). It would provide prostate cancer screening services such as PSA testing at no cost sharing in California. This will be a real life saver to men in California as many of you see more and more men with prostate cancer whose doctors dont ‘believe” in PSA or rectal exams.

Many of you know this CUA effort has been underway for a few years and includes the AUA and ZERO as key players. The rest of the road will not be easy but getting this bill introduced is a major victory for CUA and hopefully we can get this passed – so please be ready to lend your voice! WE WILL NEED YOU when the time comes.


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